Let me introduce myself...
I had a very unconventional and unexpected birth on the side of the road in the small town of Serenity, Minnesota on Christmas morning.
But that’s a story you’ll have to read in my book.
As I grew up, I always felt a bit different from the other kids. Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in? I get it. Instead of going through the motions of life, believing what authority told me was ‘right’ and ‘wrong’,
I questioned EVERYTHING
When you drive at night and the rain begins to rap tap tap against your windshield, it brings a certain comfort, safety, almost a womb-like peace...
A deer, with her tiny doe stuck to her side, looked on with big brown eyes; she understood the moment, as all animals do. A rabbit with a clutch of pups twitched her pink nose beneath a canopy of laurel bushes and seemed to smile. And strangely enough, there was a snow-white squirrel looking down from the highest branch of a barren tree. He too seemed to be smiling. But no one noticed.
The baby was- as they all are- pure, new and joyously crying out as she gasped for air…. It was then that they noticed the raccoon, then another, and a hawk flew overhead and landed in a nearby tree, and they heard the rustle of a deer. It seemed that all of the forest had come to see what all of the fuss was about, but even more than that, each creature stared into the makeshift shelter at the baby girl. For one brief moment, there was silence. Even from the highway as if everyone knew that something miraculous had just taken place…
“Weird that this is happening on Christmas Eve, right?”
I believe we all can work together to move Women forward in the arenas of Organized religion and in all aspects of life.
It will be a great and wondrous day on this planet when we no longer are talking about equal rights because we all have them. It’s time for humanity to evolve to our highest and best selves... Namaste.